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Stop Fish Bombing is a project under the fiscal sponsorship of Earth Island Institute in Berkeley, California that provides 501(c)(3). Not For Profit status Tax ID: 94-2889684.
Earth Island Institute’s mission consists of supporting groundbreaking activist projects, mentoring a new generation of environmental leaders, and engaging the public and private sectors with innovative ways of protecting the well-being of our planet. In line with its mission, Earth Island serves as an incubator for environmental initiatives and provides long-term support for established projects through its fiscal sponsorship program.
Stop Fish Bombing Malaysia is the operational partner with SFB USA in addressing the need in protecting the well-being of our planet, and specifically the stopping of Fish bombing as an Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) destructive form of fishing.
SFB and SFB Malaysia were originally affiliates of the international organization Stop Fish Bombing! (SFB International), which was under fiscal sponsorship of the Hong Kong-based NGO Teng Hoi (Listen to the Sea) until December of 2020. A special meeting of the SFB Board was called in December to consider the proposal by Dr. George Woodman to disestablish Stop Fish Bombing International, to dissolve the Board of Directors and shift SFB responsibilities to Executive Director Terence Lim, SFB Malaysia. The members of the Board agreed with this proposal. Terence continues his operational duties working directly with SFB to Stop Fish Bombing worldwide. Click here for full minutes of the board meeting.
The SFB Executive Director is (Capt. ret.) Dieter Rudolph and SFB Malaysia’s Managing Director is Mr. Terence Lim.
Project Partners:
Stop Fish Bombing! (SFB International) was a dedicated non-profit charitable entity under the umbrella of Teng Hoi’s charity status (charity number: 91/7402 ). It was founded as a collaborative endeavor by three organizations that have the expertise, track record and networks to make it work: Scubazoo, SST, and Teng Hoi.
A special meeting of the SFB Board was called in December to consider the proposal by Dr. George Woodman to disestablish Stop Fish Bombing International, to dissolve the Board of Directors and shift SFB responsibilities to Executive Director Terence Lim, SFB Malaysia.
Click here for details.
SoundThinking™ is a public safety technology company that combines transformative solutions and strategic advisory services for sound decisions, to make neighborhoods safer and improve community confidence. SoundThinking’s systems can be adapted for the detection of underwater explosions from fish bombs using a network of hydrophones to replace microphones.
Semporna Islands Project (SIP), a Sabah based NGO established in 1984 with a mission to protect the outstanding marine biodiversity in the Semporna area and ensuring a better future for the islands and reefs and the people who depend on them. The project director of SIP is Dr. Elizabeth Grimwade.
Scubazoo (SZ) is a Malaysian registered and FINAS-licensed company incorporated in 1997. Based in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, SZ is both production company and turnkey filming services provider for broadcast programming, specializing in marine and jungle locations in South East Asia.
Over the past 18 years, SZ has managed locations for more than 145 hours of program production in South East Asia for international broadcast and its cameramen have filmed for more than 150 programs from Natural History blockbusters such as BBC’s celebrated Life Story & Human Planet – Oceans, to hit reality shows like Survivor, The Amazing Race and Man vs Wild. Recognized by production companies around the world as the go-to provider of first class underwater filming services in South East Asia, SZ has also published several high quality coffee table books; selling over 500,000 copies internationally.
DHI Water and Environment (M) Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 535484-V) is a Malaysian incorporated company formed in 2001, with the share capital held by DHI’s head office in Denmark. DHI Malaysia is based in Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu, following on from DHI’s branch office established after the completion of the West Coast of Sabah Shoreline Management Plan study executed for the Sabah State Government over the period 1997 to 1998.
The field components of this our initial project are in the Malaysian State of Sabah in Northern Borneo, and will require the support of the Governments of Malaysia and Sabah as represented by Sabah Parks Board of Trusties in the first instance. SFB Malaysia and SIP will coordinate appropriate government cooperation, to include interdiction of bombers by responding to our underwater BlastSpotter alerts.
SFB People:
SFB Executive Director:
Captain Dieter K. Rudolph, U.S. Navy (retired)
Dieter Rudolph is the Director for the Earth Island Institute project “Stop Fish Bombing SFB USA”. He has extensive experience working with Ocean focused NGOs, as President and CEO to address the impact of climate change. In the commercial sector he was responsible for business development and contract management in support of Army, Navy and Department of Energy customers. As U.S. Program Director for the Arctic Military Environmental Cooperation Program (AMEC) he supported the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Environmental Security. This $32M international program developed and demonstrated nonproliferation technologies focused on radiological and environmental issues in Russia in cooperation with the Ministries of Defense for Norway, United Kingdom, Russia and the United States. During his Navy Career, Captain Rudolph served as Deputy Oceanographer of the Navy and as Commanding Officer of three Naval Oceanographic Commands. His awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal and two awards of the Legion of Merit.
Dr. Robert Showen - Director of SoundThinking™ Labs
Dr. Showen is SoundThinking’s (formerly ShotSpotter) founder and patent holder on the technology. With over three decades of acoustic and geophysics research experience, it was Dr. Showen’s initial vision of helping police curb gunfire and urban crime that caused him first to conceive of SoundThinking™.
Engineer, scientist, and teacher, Dr. Robert L. Showen attended San Jose State University, University of California at Berkeley, and Rice University. He obtained degrees in electrical engineering and space physics and won a fellowship to the Max Planck Institute. He has taught astronomy and physics at the University of Puerto Rico, performed experiments to heat the ionosphere at the world’s largest RADAR, participated in the development of over-the-horizon RADAR at SRI International, and studied the effects of lightning on the ionosphere.
Presently he is writing patents for SoundThinking™, pursuing technical developments especially involving acoustics, and working on “Stop Fish Bombing!” This is a collation seeking to end this destruction practice which is destroying the world’s tropical reefs. The technical effort will substitute the SoundThinking™ sensor microphones with hydrophones and allow location of the underwater blasts enabling marine police to suppress this all-too-common activity.
Clark Dunson - Director of Sensor Technology
Clark started his career at NASA in 1977 as a Payload Engineer working on mission designs for the Space Shuttle and Space Station programs. He wound his way through many launch pad operations and launches, and sought avenues to fight government waste at every turn. In 1985 he began teaching divers how to navigate the treacherous kelp beds of Northern California, and in 1991 he launched a career in scientific computer visualization building satellite simulators for commercial spacecraft such as Sirius, Globalstar, and Japan’s MT–SAT.
In 2003, Clark devoted himself to the pursuit of earthquake forecasting 1–4 weeks in advance of the big event, and published several papers on seismo-magnetic effects. He has developed embedded control software for systems deployed worldwide, and has led many product developments in analytical and political outreach for governmental and commercial entities.
In 2005 he was awarded the “Spot Beam Award” from the California Space Authority, and in 2013 the “Champions of Change” award from the White House. He lives in Northern California, and pursues the art of volleyball, rock climbing, and trying to impress his loved one Kathryn (and her cats Butters and Lil’P), with his culinary experiments in the kitchen.