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Boy Killed In Fish Bomb Blast
A six-year old boy was killed when a fish bomb detonated while an 11-member Sea Gypsy family was constructing it at a stilt house off Pulau Bum Bum near Semporna.
Dynamite Fishing In Tanzania
Fishing using explosives is common in Tanzanian waters; it is considered to be more widely practiced now than at any other point in history.
Tougher Laws For Environment-Related Offences — Chief Judge
Tougher, harsher and mandatory sentences for environment-related offences are making their way through the legal system; that could send a person to jail for even discarding litter out of the car window.
Fishing Industry's Effects On Coral Reefs
Fisheries often use extremely destructive methods in order to catch fish. One very common destructive fishing method is by the use of dynamite, often referred to as “blast fishing.”
What Is Blast Fishing?
Blast fishing is one of the most destructive fishing techniques currently in practice.
The Horrors Of Fishing With Dynamite
Jessica Vyvyan-Robinson was diving off Borneo when she was struck without warning by shock waves.
The Damage Of Dynamite Fishing
Recently, while leading a dive off the coast of Kota Kinabalu, Borneo, I had my first encounter with the unethical and destructive practice of dynamite fishing.
Stateless Stakeholders, Seen But Not Heard? The Case of the Sama Dilaut in Sabah, Malaysia
The Sama Dilaut (also known as Bajau Laut) are a largely stateless maritime community living in the coastal region of the east Malaysian state of Sabah.
Blast Fishing In Borneo: ‘Bombs Are Quick, But They Kill The Coral Reefs’
Abdul Karim Laing used to be a bomb fisherman. “I started in 1990,” he explains. “My friend was catching a lot of fish – it turned out he was using dynamite and he taught me. I got good at it.”
Bajau Laut Customs, Viewpoints And Perceptions Concerning Marine Resource Use In Semporna, Sabah
The Bajau Laut are highly dependent on marine resources both for family consumption and sale. Fishing and gleaning is a way of life for this community and defines their socio-economic and cultural well-being.
Coral Recruitment And Potential Recovery Of Eutrophied And Blast Fishing Impacted Reefs In Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia
Coral recruitment was assessed in highly diverse and economically important Spermonde Archipelago, a reef system subjected to land-based sources of siltation/pollution and destructive fishing, over a period of 2 years.
Lloyd’s Mirror Effect On Signal Energy As Distance Varies
This analysis aims to determine the effect of distance between a blast and the hydrophone on the received acoustic energy of the blast signal, purely as a result of the Lloyd’s mirror phenomenon (so excluding the drop in signal energy due to wavefront spreading).