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How Fishers In Montenegro Illegally Use Blast Fishing
Despite a blast fishing ban, fishermen still illegally use dynamite off the Montenegrin coast to catch fish, causing irreparable damage to marine flora and fauna.
Video: SFB Malaysia's Terence Lim At WWF-Malaysia 50th Anniversary
At the recent WWF-Malaysia 50th Anniversary Conservation Conference at the Shangri-La Tanjung Aru Hotel in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Stop Fish Bombing Malaysia's executive director gave a talk on fish bombing in Malaysia and SFB's solutions for the problem.
VIDEO: World Ocean Day Webinar On The Coral Triangle
As part of World Ocean Day and Week 2021, Asia Dive Expo hosted a webinar with the topic of the Coral Triangle as the centerpiece.
WATCH: Fish Bomb Free Sabah Webinar
Dieter Rudolph and CLark Dunson of SFB USA and Terence Lim of SFB Malaysia participated in a presentation on fish bombing in Sabah as part of Commonwealth Day in Malaysia.
Video: “Bombing Endangered Coral Reefs To Catch Fish”
The YouTube channel Unreported World published an report on fish bombing with a focus on activities in the Sabah where we have been deploying sensors.
WATCH: Fish Bomb Free Sabah Webinar
SFB-USA and SFB-MY recently joined BluHope.org for a webinar about fish bombing in Sabah.
Watch A Fish Bomb In Action
This is video of a fish bomb exploding in the waters of Malaysia.
Stop Fish Bombing! Video
Watch our video on the destructive fish bombing practice and how we plan on stopping it.